Unreleased editions from the Imre Pán collection
Juhana Blomstedt
Juan Breyten
Camille Bryen
Serge Charchoune
Georges Foissy
Henri Goetz
André Heurtaux
Peter Klasen
Jean Legros
Jacques Mandelbrojt
Roberto Matta
Aurelie Nemours
Imre Pán
Nono Reinhold
Pierre Skira
Hugh Weiss
Victor Vasarely
Between 1960 and 1972, the Hungarian-born poet, art critic and curator Imre Pán pursued an intense editorial activity in Paris. Guided by a highly independent spirit, he published almost 150 magazines containing original editions by artists from all plastic horizons: geometric, optical or informal abstractions, post-Surrealist figurations, narratives or those close to the New Realists. The Signe editions (1960-1964), then the Morphèmes editions (1963-1970), which were extended in 1971 and 1972 by the Mini-Musée editions, take the form of notebooks containing a printed text (a study by Imre Pán in most cases, but also texts or poems by artists) and a small-format work on a loose leaf, generally numbered and signed: drawing, etching, collage, watercolour, ink, gouache, silkscreen… These editions are genuine collaborations with artists whose work Pán appreciates and accompanies as closely as possible to the creative process. (source: Marjorie Micucci)